Szara Reneta – is a sound label established at the end of 2016 in a small village on Slovakian-Polish borderline. Its initial goal was self-publishing of its founder. After a short time it turned out that the catalogue is dominated by the artists from all around the world who wanted to publish their sound oriented art in the label. Szara Reneta publishes recordings in the following genres: field recordings, harsh noise, radioplay, abstract electronics, drone, free improvisation, musique concrète etc.
Szara Reneta is a place for recordings that are hard to publish elsewhere. Albums published by Szara Reneta are often conceptual. Sometimes people call our music experimental. But we rather think about it as seeking music.
Szara Reneta mostly releases albums on cassette tapes however we often release music in non-obvious ways and forms.
Szara Reneta is based on openness, equality and inclusion. If you are racist, homophobic, transphobic, antifeminist, ableist and you support violence of the powerful against powerless and overall you’re not a decent person then please reconsider your values and behaviour and then enjoy Szara Reneta and its community. If not please Szara Reneta is not the right place for you.
Beware! We do not release so-called ambient music.

On October 21 was a date of release of the album by Marcin „Emiter” Dymiter, titled „Symfoniaki”. Symfoniaki is a word invented by Emiter and descibes works created in cooperation with visual artists, radio and theater.

On September 17, 2024, on the anniversary of the USSR’s attack on Poland and the anniversary of the escape of the Polish government and commander-in-chief in the face of aggression by Germany, the Soviet Union and the Slovak puppet state, I published recordings entitled collectively titled „Sanacja”.

Thunder and hailstorm 2
This summer almost every day I receive a message from Goverment Security Center about possibility of heavy rain, thunders, extreme heat or hailstorm. Whenever I have opportunity I try to record these extreme weather conditions.

Gawrony / Rooks
„Gawrony” is the latest album by Maciej Wirmański, released on May 24, 2024 by Szara Reneta label.
The recordings were recorded from 2019 to 2024 near rook colonies in Nowy Targ and Zakopane.

Marmur, „Doom Service”
Release date: 15th December 2023

Artur Rumiński, „Pocztówki”
Publication date: 15th December 2023

Łukasz Kacperczyk, “Dotykalne”
Publication date: 2022.

Alicja Czyczel, “Toń”
„Toń” is a music album created by choreographer and improviser Alicja Czyczel in collaboration with composer Aleksandra Gryka, with significant contributions from the Liwiec river, crickets, cornfields, combine harvesters and a torrential storm.

trio_io, “Parts”
Publication date: 2022.

Rafał Kołacki, “Huma. Język Ptaków”
Publication date: 2022.

Wojtek Kurek, “Wet is dry”
Publication date: 2022.

Tomasz Pizio, “Cisza w Muzeum”
Publication date: 2022.

Wojciech Kiwer, “Miasto, którego nie było”
Publication date: 2022.

Shanyio, “Prepared Bicycle and a Comb”
Publication date: 2022.

Piotr Dang Cichocki, Martin Kaphukusi, Tonga Boys, “Other Voices/Other Votes”
Szara Reneta and 1000HZ present a two-part radioplay produced at the recording microstudio Wave Diamond Records in Mzuzu.

LindaRL, “Brain in a vat”
Just imagine you had a terrible accident. Your body had decayed and only your brain was left intact.

Marcin Żółtowski x Gamma Function, “Despre sentimentul constant de disonanță care mă însoțește în timp ce mă plimb pe străzile Bucureștiului”
About an endless feeling of a dissonance I had during wandering through streets of Bucharest.

Micromelancolié, “Sufi Whirling”
Publication date: 2021.
![7!cHO, “Ob[e]c[n]ości”](https://maciejwirmanski.pl/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/echo-768x776.jpg)
7!cHO, “Ob[e]c[n]ości”
Publication date: 2021.

Ghostcrown, “Bruit – Harsh Noise Scraps”
Publication date: 2021.

Michał Biel, “Amagerbrogade 216B”
Publication date: 2021.

Artur Rumiński, “Steep Hill”
Recorded and mixed by Artur Rumiński.

Monster Hurricane Wihajster, “U nas dobrze, choć trochę strzyka w kolanach”
Monster Hurricane Wihajster are Monika & Hubert Wińczyk.

Łukasz Suchy, “Rzeszów-Wrocław”
Recordings were made around 2019-2020 in cracks and hollows between the urban fabrics

Tomasz Pizio, “Piekło kobiet”
Title of this album, „Piekło Kobiet” („Women’s Hell”) is a reference to the collection of essays from 1929 by Polish writer, journalist, poet, critic and pediatrician and gynecologist by profession Tadeusz Boy Żeleński.

Alëna Korolëva, „Shadows of Mtatsminda”
Mtatsminda can be translated from Georgian as „Holy Mountain.”

Kacper Ziemianin a.k.a. CTRL FREQ, “(Is There) Life After Sonology?”
This record is about looking for one’s voice.

Bartosz Zaskórski, “Morze ukryte i inne słuchowiska”
Słuchowisko “Ukryte morze” towarzyszyło wystawie “Kopnął mnie prąd co robić” w Zonie Sztuki Aktualnej prezentującej prace z Kolekcji Regionalnej Zachęty Sztuki Współczesnej w Szczecinie.

Matylda Gerber, “Matylda Plays Sax”
The material was recorded during an improvised solo concert in the Saint Jan Nepomucen Chapel in Wroclaw, Poland. 2019.

Agata Stanisz, “3 square meters”
Nagromadzenie syntezatorów, od chrapliwych basowych riffów przez atonalne zawijasy, po syntetyczny flet.

Bartek Kalinka, “Telepajęczarstwo”
Hella a lot of synths – from distorted basslines through atonal ornaments to a sound of artificial flute.

Vilgoć, “Granice”
Publication date: 2020.

Calineczka, “kysztymska”
Total length of this album is 12 hours and 6 seconds. Its longest track is 5 hours, 35 minutes long.

Mirt, “Eastern Holy Ground”
Publication date: 2019.

Stanisław Welbel, “Poems”
Publication date: 2019.

_+_, “_+_”
Both Pig’s (Lilly) and Author’s (Natalia Laskowska) heart were diagnosed in the same way with ECG and Holter monitor.

Monika Wińczyk, “Japoński Dystans / 日本人の距離 / Nihon no kyori”
Publication date: 2019.

Robert Gogol i Hubert Wińczyk, “Nova Reperta”
Nagrane podczas koncertu w klubie Pies Andaluyzjski w Poznaniu.

Split Tomasz Pizio / Dominik Minski
Rok wydania: 2019.

Rodrigo Ambriz, “Una silueta se precipita en arcadas”
Rodrigo Ambriz. Works in the field of vocal automatism.

SqrtSigil, “Lost In”
Publication date: 2018.

Rose Sobchak & Gradatsiya, “Waltz of Spaceship in the Main Asteroid Belt”
Publication year: 2018.

Eurydyka, “Untitled”
Publication date: 2018.

Lounge Ryszards, “****** *** vol. 420”
Publication date: 2018.

V/A, “STATIK – The Ultimate Collection of Static Sounds Made of Field Recordings”
STATIK – The Ultimate Collection of Static Sounds Made of Field Recordings includes records from six artists and almost 3 hours of sounds in total.

Goralenvolk, “Edelweiss”, album
Publication date: 2018.

Goralenvolk, “Primitiv-Waffen-Programm, single
Publication date: 2018.

Sounds of a Boiler Room and a Laundry Room
Publication date: 2019.

Split Gazawat / Goralenvolk
Publication date: 2017.

Hyqagrax, “Post Rave”
Publication date: 2017.

Goralenvolk, “Organy”, full album
Publication date: 2017.

Wiatr, który przyniósł nam zimę
Nagranie silnego wiatru, które zrobiłem na strychu rodzinnego domu.

Dawne cmentarze żydowskie 2
Nagrania terenowe wykonane w pobliżu cmentarzy żydowskich w Podwilku i Czarnym Dunajcu w latach 2017-2018.

Dawne cmentarze żydowskie 1
Nagrania terenowe wykonane w pobliżu cmentarzy żydowskich w Zakopanem i Nowym Targu.

Burza i gradobicie
Publication date: 2017.