Rodrigo Ambriz. Works in the field of vocal automatism. Uses extended vocal techniques in different formats of audio, video and performance actions. Parallel to the voice he articulates sound densities making use of magnetic tape manipulations and different noise generators.
Active in the noise scene and the free improvisation scene of Mexico City since 2008 approximately.
He has formed projects such as Cacophonic Joy – soloist project focused on absurdism, vocal detritus and sometimes high frequencies abuse – (SIC) – self-induced alienation duo alongside drummer Julian Bonequi-, Ensamble Atrocidad – hardcore improvisation unit
He has collaborated with Los Heraldos Negros, .RR, Germán Bringas, Alejandro Tux, Arthur Henry Fork, Fernando Vigueras, A.G. Davis, SCZRS, Jaap Blonk, Ute Wassermann, Burkhard Stangl, Joachim Montessuis, Antoine Läng, Lê Quan Ninh, Makoto Kawabata, Otomo Yoshihide, among others. He has published in Latin American labels such as: Ruido Horrible, Noxa Recs, Dorados Pantanos, Campo Abierto, Audition Records.
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