field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art


In August this year, at the invitation of the Borderland Center in Sejny, I took part in co-creating a sound map of Sejny – a town located in the Suwałki region. During my week-long stay, I explored the sound atmosphere of the place by recording the audio phenomena I encountered. I also had the pleasure of conducting a sound walk and field recording workshops.

In addition to preparing field recordings and conducting activities with young people from the Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theater, as part of the Music of Places project, I composed three pieces inspired by the exploration of Sejny’s roads, wilderness, places, non-places, squares and backyards.

I would like to thank the Borderland – Pogranicze for the invitation. Below you will find songs that were created as part of the Music of Places project and pictures as well.