field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

Czas Kultury – aural history

The 3rd issue of the Czas Kultury quarterly from 2024 is entirely devoted to the aural history. The editor of the issue is Filip Szałasek – a music critic and initiator of the „Field Meet” series of conversations and podcasts about contemporary field recordings.

At Filip’s invitation, I wrote a text for this issue entitled: „Sounds of the Orava-Nowy Targ Peatlands”. The text is the result of field recordings that I have been making in this area since 2022. While creating a sound map, I had the opportunity to describe my impressions and observations of this unique place. Some of the recordings and photographic documentation are attached to the text.

Below is an abstract of the text and field recordings. I encourage you to read, listen and buy the issue.


Since the Natura 2000 bird and habitat protection area was established in 2004 under the name of the Orawa-Nowy Targ Peatlands, which are located mainly on the territory of the Municipality and Town of Czarny Dunajec, the protection has not been extended in any way due to both local government policy and the efforts of local residents. Using field recordings and active listening, the author seeks to uncover the soundscape of a place whose status is uncertain and whose protection is being curtailed. From a sensory perspective, bringing his listening experience to the fore, he describes hiking through the Czarny Dunajec peat bogs and reflects on the resistance in the local community to the presence of this naturally unique area.

Keywords: biophobia, Czarny Dunajec, Natura 2000, third landscape, field recording