field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

field recording

sound design

experimental music

sound art

Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice Conference – Nasłuchiwanie

On October 25, the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice will host a scientific conference „Listening”, which will concern sound in various contexts. As part of the conference, I will present a paper on „Soundscape of Peat Bodies of Orawa-Nowy Targ as a space of relations of power and subordination”, which is a continuation of the considerations I included in my text on the soundscape of Peat Bodies of the Orawsko-Nowy Targ Valley, published in the text in the quarterly Czas Kultury. Program and event details below: